I've got a bunch of hexagons basted, but lack the time and patience currently to stitch them together.
I have a new foot that helps me to do lots of curvy stuff, so I'm practicing with it.
Decided to try stitching hexies down with it. I didn't applique them on... didn't even sew them together. I just took the paper out, snipped the basting stitches, ironed each of them well, shot them with some spray adhesive and went to town.
I'm not too disappointed with it. I think next time, I'll use my walking foot or maybe a zipper foot to outline them (stitch just inside the hexagon to sew them down individually) one at a time.
Mostly this little experiment was to play around with my new foot.
I got the #55 leather roller foot from Jamie at Bernina. Love it.
I realized tonight after doing a bit of online research that I should've moved the needle over so that it sews RIGHT next to the wheel. Will try again tonight that way.
Might even play around with some hexies, too!
That looks like fun! I've never seen that wheel foot before. I think you are going to enjoy it!